Sunday, July 10, 2011

Visit to Ebeltoft, Denmark

I have been spending the last few days with some friends in Ebeltoft, Denmark. It has been a very enjoyable time, but too short. Tomorrow I will post a few pictures of beautiful things I have seen, but today I want to show you something really unique that I have learned about Denmark. The Danish people are very proud of their country and flag. On birthdays they put the flag on the table and also put a flag on their door and many flags lining the road up to their houses to celebrate. My friend, Andrea explains this in the video and shows you some of the flags!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Janice,
    We enjoyed your video of Andrea talking about her country's flag and how people decorate with it for special occasions. The 4th of July is a big holiday here with lots of parades, parties, fireworks, and decorations so we see lots of American flags around the area during the summer.
    Ms. Kreul and Students
